Dental Remedies

Indications: For temporary relief of symptoms related to gingivitis, inflamed and bleeding gums, pyorrhea, minor pain and ulcerations. Dosage: Shake well! Place 1 to 10 drops in mouth saturating infected gum area and swallow. Avoid all foods and liquids 15 minutes before and after treatment. Ingredients: LACHESIS MUTUS 30C Bad mouth odor, nauseous taste, toothache, pain extending to ears. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM 30C Gums and mouth painful to touch, abscessed and bleed readily. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS 1X Very sore and painful open wounds, inflammation. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS 30C Sore, painful and bleeding gums. ARNICA MONTANA 3X Sore painful gums. PLANTAGO MAJ 1X Toothache, tooth sensitive to touch, pain, bleeding gums. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA 2X Toothache, ulcerated mouth. CARBO VEGETABILIS 30C Pyorrhea, gums retracted and bleed easily. EUGENIA CARYOPHYLATTA 1X Sore bleeding gums. MYCOPALSMA SALIVARIUS 18X A mycoplasma related to gum disease.
Price: $14.00
Indications: For the temporary relief of symptoms related to the trauma associated with a dental visit, or any surgery. Dosage: Shake well! One to 10 drops, three times daily, following a dental visit. Or, follow the directions of your health professional. Avoid all foods and liquids 15 minutes before and after treatment. Ingredients: ARNICA MONTANA 4, 12, 30, 200X Promotes healing of wounds and injuries and excites capillary blood flow. BRYONIA ALBA 4X Deep strong pain, as with broken bones. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS 4X Feeling of great pain with enhanced healing of wounds & injuries. BELLADONNA 6X Localized inflammation and hematomas. CARBO VEGETABILIS 12X Symptoms of shock and suppurations. BELLIS PERENNIS 6X Muscular soreness, deep soreness, bruising, inflammation and circulation support. CHAMOMILLA 3X Hypersensitivity to pain, promotes healing. ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 3X Stimulates immune function, soothes inflammation process. MILLEFOLIUM 3X, 6X Arterial bleeding and artery lesion. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM 3X Nerve lesions, tearing pains. HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA 3X Tendency to promote embolism. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM 8X Regeneration of the sulfide enzymes. RHUS TOXICODENDRON 6-12-30X Pain in the tissues. RESCUE 8X Relaxation, reduce stress. (Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum, Clematis).
Price: $14.00
Indications: TREATMENT PRECEDING A DENTAL VISIT. Pre-Dental Visit has been formulated as a detoxification and drainage formula prior to a dental visit, or any surgery. Dosage: Shake well! One to 10 drops, three times daily, for three days preceding a dental visit. Avoid all foods and liquids15 minutes before and after treatment. Ingredients: ARANEA DIADEMA 6X Preparation for tooth pain. CALCEAREA PHOSPHORICA 12X Reduce teeth sensitivity. EQUISTEUM HYEAMALE 4X Support kidney function. FERRUM IODATA 12X Support of kidneys and liver. GENTIANA LUTEA 5X A tonic influence improving appetite. GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM 4X Painful hemorrhages and ulcerations JUGLANS REGIA 3X Lymphatic support. LYMPHATIC NOSODE (LYMPH) 12X Stimulation and support of the lymphatic system. MYOSOTIS PALASTRIS 3X Support the lungs as to avoid gagging and vomiting. NASTURTIUM AQUATICUM 4X Support of the liver and gall bladder. PINUS SYLVESTRIS 4X Kidney and liver support, swollen glands and tooth pain. SARSAPARILLA 6X Lymphatic and kidney support. SROPHULARIA NOSODA 3X Lymphatic support. TEUCRIUM SCORODONIA 3X Support of the lungs and bronchi. THYROXIN NOSODE 12X Enhances metabolic action VERONICA BECCABUNGA 3X Trauma of the skin. RESCUE COMBINATION 3X Relaxation, reduce stress. (Includes Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum, Clematis). FUMARIA OFFICINALIS 4X Blood cleanser, liver support. NATRUM SULPHURICUM 4X Trauma, headaches.
Price: $14.00