Paired Meridian Openers

Indications: For temporary relief of irregular menses, urinary frequency pain or burning, and lack of sexual function, foul smelling urine; violent pain from bladder to kidney, urge to urinate, gallstones, incontinence. Ingredients (All in 30C): APIS MELLIFICA: Burning and soreness when urinating. Frequent and involuntary urination. Difficult or slow urination. ARGENTUM NITRICUM: Violent pain from bladder to kidney, urge to urinate. BERBERIS VULGARIS: Inflammation of kidneys. Bubbling and severe pains in region of kidneys. Pain in the thighs and loins on urinating. Urine with thick mucus and bright-red, turbid or yellow solution or with slimy sediment, bladder disorders, gallstones.. CANTHARIS: Nephritis, constant desire to urinate. Kidney region very sensitive, burning urine, scalding with cutting pains and intolerable urging. Urine jelly like. Severe inflammation in bladder, constant desire to urinate. EQUISETUM ARVENSE: Pain in right kidney, then in left, extending down left side of sacrum. Profuse urination with burning in urethra and sharp pain at root of penis. Involuntary urination. Urging with severe pain at the close of urination. Nighttime enuresis. KALI BICHROMIUM: Inflammation of bladder, pyelitis. LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM: Frequent urging to urinate. Polyuria during the night. Heavy red sediment in urine. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS: Frequent urging to urinate, burning after urination. NATRUM MURIATICUM: Urging in penis and bladder, aching in hips, thighs and small of back. PHOSPHORUS: Bladder is full without urging, frequent urination, blood in urine. RHUS TOXICODENDRON: Frequent, profuse urination day and night. Nephritis, incontinence. Urine dark colored, turbid, scanty. SEPIA: Urine thick, foul smelling, white gritty sediment, bloody and milky in color. Involuntary urination. TEREBINTHINA: Bleeding bladder, pains alternate between navel and bladder. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS: Bladder feels paralyzed, desire to urinate sudden and uncontrollable.
Price: $19.00
Indications: For temporary relief of abnormal menses, headache, leg pain, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain; gallstones, shoulder pain, headache, loss of hearing, depression, blurred vision, nasal obstruction, discharge and jaundice. Ingredients (All in 30C): ARSENICUM ALBUM: Liver and Spleen enlarged and painful, inflammation from food or chemical poisoning. BERBERIS VULGARIS: Shooting pains in hepatic region, gallstone attack with severe pain, pressure sensation in liver. BRYONIA ALBA: Liver heavy and swollen. CALCAREA CARBONICA: Food cravings, gallstone, colic. CARDUUS MARIANUS: Liver enlarged and swollen. Gallbladder swollen and painful. CINCHONA OFFICINALIS: Liver and Spleen swollen and enlarged. KALI CARBONICUM: Sore Liver. LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM: Weak and congested Liver, chronic hepatitis. Poor digestion, loss of appetite. NATRUM SULPHURICUM: Clawing in Gallbladder, headache, Gallbladder disorders. NUX VOMICA: Liver sore, toxic, enlarged. Gallstone colic, indigestion, headache, nausea and vomiting. PHOSPHORUS : Pain and burning is stomach, vomiting.
Price: $20.00
Indications: For temporary relief of hemorrhoids, gynecological issues; female discharges, male sexual issues, urinary, infertility, menstrual issues, digestive issues, weight loss, stomach issues, poor digestion, bloating, stress, twitching and jerking of limbs, weak legs, and gastric disturbances accompanied by stomach pain. Ingredients (All in 30C): APIS MELLIFICA: Congested ovaries with fluid build-up, miscarriage, inflamed ovaries or womb. ARSENICUM ALBUM: Swollen, painful ovaries, copious periods. Constricted air passages, hay fever, suffocative catarrh, wheezing breathing, Asthma, shortness of breath, cough alternating dry and loose, cough excited by smoking, Emphysema, cough with bloody sputum and pulmonary edema. BARYTA CARBONICA: Crawling in rectum, constipation with hard knotty stools. Hemorrhoids protrude on urinating, oozing at anus, diarrhea with lumbar ache. BELLADONNA: Congestion in womb during period. CALCAREA CARBONICA: Sharp pains in chest which is very sensitive to touch, percussion or pressure. CICUTA VIROSA: Convulsive movements, cramp cramp-like pains in back, neck pain, out-breaks on skin, eczema. CONIUM MACULATUM: Inflammation indurated (hard from inflammation) in ovaries or cervix, amenorrhoea. Abdomen; constriction; behind lower ribs; as if bandaged, bladder; urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); ineffectual; with headache, back; pain; when beginning to move; pain; sacrum (base of spine); while standing. FERRUM METALLICUM: Vaginal discharge; strong and sharp (acrid), amenorrhoea, swollen vagina. LACHESIS MUTUS: Dry cough, bloody urine, pulse weak, slow and irregular, headache. LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM: Indigestion with pain and distress in gastric region. Nausea with faintness. Circumscribvede pain and compression in region of stomach. Gastritis, enteritis, diarrhea, and dysentery. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS: Frequent urging to urinate, burning after urination. NATRUM SULPHURICUM: Painful cramps with flatulence. PHOSPHORUS: Burning pains, tightness across chest. Breathing quickened and difficult. PULSATILLA: Vaginal discharge milky or with burning, inflammation in womb, gonorrhea. SEPIA: Vaginal discharge albuminous (white, thick), burning or bloody. TARENTULA HISPANA: Twitching, involuntary movements; restlessness; lower limbs; evening; in bed; constipation; stool remains in rectum for a long time with no urging;. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS : Abnormal growths in womb (cervix), pain or burning in urethra (urinary part of genitals).
Price: $14.00
Indications: For temporary relief of glandular swelling, tremors, numbness, dizziness, blurred vision, and night sweats, high blood pressure, pulse rapid; abdominal soreness, sore bowels, flatulence, cannot bear sight or smell of food, nausea, gastritis, belching. Ingredients (All in 30C): ARSENICUM ALBUM: Cannot bear sight or smell of food. Burning pain. Cold water causes distress followed by vomiting. Nausea, gastritis, belching. AURUM METALLICUM: High blood pressure, pulse rapid, feeble, irregular, angina pectoris. BELLADONNA: Distended abdomen, colic, clawing pain around abdomen; pain in splenic region, worse when sneezing or cough. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS: Constriction, as from an iron band, very acute pains and stitches in heart, pulse feeble, irregular. Endocarditis with mitral insufficiency together with violent and rapid action. Murmurs, low blood pressure, aneurysm of large arteries and heart and arteriosclerosis. CINCHONA OFFICINALIS: Flatulence, no relief from passing gas; internal coldness of stomach and abdomen. DIGITALIS PURPUREA: Palpitations with depression. Irregular heart, pulse weak and quickened by least movement. Pulse slow, weak, irregular and intermittent. KALI CARBONICUM: Abdomen distended, hard, tympanitic and cold; throbbing at navel; flatulence; cutting pain in intestines. LITHIUM CARBONICUM: Trembling and fluttering of heart. Throbbing, dull stitch in cardiac region. LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM: Pain in spleen; flatulence and rumbling; severe colic followed by diarrhea. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS: Palpitations on slight exertion. Pulse irregular, quick strong and intermittent or soft and trembling. NAJA TRIPUDIANS: Feeling of weight on the heart, pain in the region of the heart, angina pains, endocarditis, pulse irregular and slow, low blood pressure, and chronic palpitations. NUX VOMICA: Soreness of abdominal wall; flatulent distention with spasmodic colic; sore bowels. PHOSPHORUS: Palpitations with anxiety. Pains into right arm. Heart weak, pulse rapid. Pressure from epigastrum; flatulent colic, worse with hot drinks. PULSATILLA: Palpitations, catching pain with short breath. PYROGENIUM: Abdomen bloated, sore with cutting pain; soreness of abdomen so severe breathing is difficult, worse by every motion. SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA: Violent sticking or compressive pains, frequent attacks of palpitations. Pericarditis, Angina pectoris. Pulse intermittent with palpitations.
Price: $19.00
Indications: For temporary relief of headache, eye pain, constipation, swollen glands, fluid retention, abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhea, right shoulder pain and shoulder blade pain. Ingredients (All in 30C): ALOE SOCOTRINA: Abdomen feels full, hot, heavy and bloated. Pain around navel. ALUMINA: Constipation, abdominal pain and colic. APIS MELLIFICA: Breathing in panting form, edema of larynx, feelings of suffocation, short dry breathing, hoarseness, sweetish expectoration. ARSENICUM ALBUM: Pain in abdomen, liver and spleen enlarged and painful. Constricted air passages, hay fever, suffocative catarrh, wheezing breathing, Asthma, shortness of breath, cough alternating dry and loose, cough excited by smoking, Emphysema, cough with bloody sputum and pulmonary edema. BARYTA CARBONICA: Pain in abdomen, colic. BRYONIA ALBA: Pain, stitches, worse with abdominal pressure, epigastrum tender and throbbing. CHAMOMILLLA: Tickling cough, hoarseness, suffocative tightness in chest. CARBO VEGETABILIS: Constipation, weak sick and exhausted, lack of reaction following violent shock, slow digestion, belching, nausea, and pain in stomach. Breathing laborious, quick and short. Cough with itching in larynx, spasmodic with gagging and vomiting of mucus. Cough with burning in chest, spasmodic cough, hoarseness, roughness in larynx with deep rough voice. KALI BICHROMIUM: Asthma, dry metallic hacking cough, profuse yellow expectoration, cough with pain in sternum. PHOSPHORUS: Oppressive breathing, tight suffocative breathing, hard, dry, tight, racking cough. Congestion of lungs. Pneumonia of left lower lung. Whole body trembles with cough. Sputum, easy, frothy, rusty bluish, salty, sour, sweetish or cold. Asthma with congestion. PLUMBUM METALLICUM: Abdomen feels tense and retracted, colic, and abdominal pain. PYROGENIUM: Bloated, abdominal pain, constipation, fever, septic condition. SULPHUR : Difficult respiration, loose cough, sweetish expectoration, tickling in larynx, asthma and pneumonia.
Price: $22.00
Indications: For temporary relief of shortness of breath, pain under the arm, chest pain, back pain, gallbladder, and irritability; fever, headache, generalized pain, hearing loss, sweating and coldness. Ingredients (All in 30C): ARSENICUM ALBUM: Anemia, nephritis, enlarged liver and asthma. AURUM METALLICUM: Liver and gall bladder conditions. BARYTA CARBONICA: Heart palpitations, chronic bronchitis, dry cough, urge to urinate, frequent and burning urination. CALCAREA CARBONICA: Gall stone colic, pain in region of liver. Chest sensitive to touch with sharp pains. Heart palpitations, irritable bladder, shortness of breath. GLONOINUM: Constriction of the chest, headache, heart disorder. IODIUM: Raw tickling feeling in lungs, pain in larynx, headache, empty belching, liver and spleen sore and enlarged. KALI IODIUM: Headaches, tinnitus, enlarged lymph glands, frequent urination, liver dysfunction. LACHESIS MUTUS: Dry cough, bloody urine, pulse weak, slow and irregular, headache. LITHIUM CARBONICUM: Constriction of chest, gallstones. LOBELIA INFLATA: Gallstones, pressure and violent pain in chest. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS: Inflammation and swelling and feelings of constriction. NAJA TRIPUDIANS: Oppressive weight and dull pain over chest. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM: Burning pains and pressure across chest, oppressed breathing. Frequent, watery, milky urination, heart palpitations, tickling cough. SEPIA: Irregular and slow urination, poor circulation, headache, pain in liver, dry cough. SPONGIA TOSTA: Dry chronic, sympathetic cough, asthma, bronchitis. THYROIDINUM : Severe heart pains, tachycardia, bedwetting, frequent urge to urinate, liver discomfort.
Price: $22.00
Indications: For temporary relief of vomiting, stomach pain, loss of appetite, abdominal bloating, loose stools, fluid retention, and urine retention. Functional disorders of the spleen including, enlarged and painful liver and spleen, poor circulation, pain in abdomen and behind lower ribs in evening. Ingredients (All in 30C): ARSENICUM ALBUM: Enlarged and painful liver and spleen. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach pain. CALCAREA CARBONICA: Heartburn, belching, vomiting, cramps. CARDUUS MARIANUS: Pain in region of liver, spleen disorder. CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS: Deepseated and cutting pains in region of spleen. Enlargement of spleen and liver. CINCHONA OFFICINALIS: Liver and spleen swollen and enlarged. DIGITALIS PURPUREA: Nausea, vomiting, weakness in stomach. IGNATIA AMARA: Nausea, vomiting, hiccough, belching andcramps. KALI BICHROMICUM: Asthma, dry metallic hacking cough, profuse yellow expectoration, cough with pain in sternum. LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM: Poor ciruclation, hemorrhages. Sour belching, indigestion, hiccough and pain. PHOSPHORUS: Pain in stomach, belching, vomiting, nausea. Nausea, vomiting and burning in stomach. PLUMBUM METALLICUM: Arteriosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, hemorrhages, aneurysm, spleen disorders. PULSATILLA: Belching, bitter taste, heartburn, flatulence. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS: Sudden sharp pain in sides on breathing in; complaints of spleen, pain in abdomen and behind lower ribs in evening. VERATRUM VIRIDE: Painful burning, copious vomiting with nausea, violent retching.
Price: $22.00