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Deseret Biologicals
Homeopathic Combinations
Adrenal Support is a homeopathic formula for symptoms related to hypoadrenalism. The adrenal glands are triangular shaped glands located on top of the kidneys. They produce hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, steroids, cortisol and cortisone, and chemicals such as adrenaline (epinephrine), norepinephrine and dopamine. When the glands produce more or less hormones than required, disease conditions may occur. Dosage: 1-10 drops under the tongue 3 times a day, or as directed. Ingredients: ARSENICAM ALBUM 12X Anxiety, exhaustion, restlessness. ADRENALINUM 6X Despondent, nervous, worry, apathy. CALCAREA CARBONICA 12X Exhaustion, worry, apprehension, depression. CONVALLARIA MAJALIS 12X Dull intellect, difficulty thinking, mind wanders, angina pectoris, increases energy of heart action. CORTISONE ACETICUM 6X Depression, weak memory, dryness of nasal and pharyngeal mucous membranes. Influences pituitary, adrenal and pancreatic disorders. CROTALUS HORRIDUS 12X Melancholy, irritability, cross. FERRUM METALICUM 12X Pallor alternating with flushes. NUX VOMICA 12X Zealous, fiery temperament. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM 30X Weakness, debility. PHOSPHORUS 12X Anxious, restless, memory loss. SELENIUM METALLICUM 8X Sexual weakness, great debility. SEPIA 12X Angry, sensitive, irritable. THYROIDINUM 6X Cravings, cold hands and feet, weakness, fatigue. ARALIA QUINQUEFOLIA 3X Relaxation, sleepiness, quiet mood, and contented. HUMULUS LUPULUS 3X Sleep, drowsiness, slow pulse.
Indications: Arthritis, osteoporosis, joint pain, rheumatism and neuralgia. Dosage: Eight to 10 drops 3 times daily. Increase frequency to hourly for acute symptoms decreasing as symptoms subside. Ingredients: PICRICUM ACIDUM 12X Weakness and pain in back, spiral irritation and exhaustion. GLANDULA SUPRARENALIS 10X Chronic polyarthritis. AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM 6X Promotes liver detox function. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM 8X Sciatic pain, pain in finger tips. ARGENTUM METALLICUM 10X Joint pain, cartilage disorders. BERBERIS VULGARIS 4X Arthritic and hepatic disorders. Influences systemic detox through liver and kidneys. MEDULLA OSSIS 12C Arthritic, osteomalacia, osteomyelitis. BORAX 6X Pain in bones and joints of extremities CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 10X Influences body's normal calcium metabolism. CARTILAGO 12C Support normal cartilage. CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA 4X Action on the cerebrospinal and muscular system including pain. CINCHONA OFFICINALIS 4X Exhaustion, debility. COLOCYNTHIS 4X Pain in muscles, nerves and joints. CUPRUM ACETICUM 6X Muscle cramping. GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM 3X Pain and numbness along the sciatic nerve, gout and neuralgia. INTERVERTEBRAL DISC 12C Osteoporosis of vertebra. KALI CARBONICUM 6X Backache, spinal irritation, sensation of weakness in lower back. LEDUM PALUSTRE 4X Rheumatism, pain in hands, joints, gout. PALLADIUIM METALLICUM 12X Arthritis of joints and knees, rheumatism. MERCURIUS PRAECIPITATUS RUBER 10X Periostitis, otalgia ruber PULSATILLA 6X Rapidly shifting pains in limbs. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS 4X Intercostal neuralgia, pain in feet. SECALE CORNUTUM 6X Paraesthesia and numbness in limbs. SEPIA 10X Pain in limbs, restlessness, sciatica. SILICEA 8X Synovitis, cramping in feet. SULFUR 30X Legs cold weak and trembling, muscle cramps in feet, detoxification ZINCUM METALLICUM 10X Spinal irritation, feet swollen with pain.
Indications: Bronchitis, irritating cough, difficult breathing and congestion, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, emphysema. Dosage: Ten drops every 15 minutes for acute symptoms, decreasing with improvement to 5 to 10 drops 3 to 4 times daily. Ingredients: COCCUS CACTI 4X Irritation and catarrhal condition of throat and respiratory organs. KALI CARBONICUM 12X Chest pain, asthmatic, wheezing cough. ARSENICUM IODATUM 6X Bronchitis, laryngitis, catarrh. SCILIA 4X Laryngeal catarrh, congestive bronchitis. CUPRUM ACETICUM 6X Violent spasmodic cough. CAUSTICUM HAHEMANNI 6X Bronchitis, Laryngitis, cough, wandering chest pains.
Description: Nature has blessed us with numerous and delicious ways to obtain the nutrients needed to maintain a healthy life. When we lose the desire or ability to eat in moderation, however, the results can be devastating: obesity, depression, diatetes and disease. Eating can be comforting, hence the term ¡§Comfort Food¡¨ but must be done in moderation to maintain proper balance in our lives -- not just weight balance, but physical and emotional balance as well. Millions of Americans over-indulge, not because they want to, but from compelling psychological needs due to depression, loneliness, boredom, anxiety, low self-esteem or grief. Proper weight management requires more than counting calories and excersizing. It is vital that the emotional aspects associated with over-eating be addressed. Indications: Weight gain, depression, diabetes, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder. Ingredients: IGNATIA AMARA 15C Indicated in excessive appetite because of nervousness and/or boredom. NATRUM MURIATICUM 15C Indicated for increased appetite related to grief. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 15C Indicated for glutonous appetite. CORTISONE ACETICUM 12C, 15C Normalizes production of steroid hormones responsible for excessive storage of fatty tissue. THYROIDINUM 12C Normalizes thyroid function to regulate metabolism. ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE 18C For glutonous appetite and hunger related to nervousness and irritability. Dosage: 5 drops 4 times daily - or - 1 to 10 drops 3 times a day or as directed by your health professional.
Description: Female Support Remedy is intended to instill functional and regulatory support for the female system. This remedy is intended to be used independently or as a support remedy with Hormone Combination where emotional symptoms often need consideration. Symptoms of menopause may also be minimized through the use of Female Support Remedy. Indications: PMS, menopause and emotional, regulatory and functional support of the female system. Dosage: One to ten drops, administered under the tongue, three times daily as directed by the health professional. Ingredients: AGNUS CASTUS 4X General debility and depression of vital power. Absent minded, forgetful. Nervous depression and mental forebodings. Abdominal pain during menses. Lack of sexual desire with melancholy. CHAMOMILLA 3X Influence is both mental and emotional. Senses are acute, temperamental and oversensitive. Hypersensitive to pain. Bad temper, peevishness, ill-humor and anger with rage. CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA 3X A sense of gloom and dejection. Menstrual disorders. CINCHONA OFFICINALIS 3X Early and heavy painful menstruation. CONVALLARIA MAJALIS 3X Difficulty of thought, grieves easily, irritable and depressed. Soreness in uterine region and itching in vaginal orifice. CINNAMOMUM 12X Hemorrhage and heart weakness, great cardiac anxiety. CROCUS SATIVUS 3X Uterine hemorrhage. Rapid alternation of moods; anger to sorrow, laughter to tears. CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM 3X Acne in young women, headaches, leucorrhoea with scanty menses. HELONIAS DIOICA 3X Menopausal disorders, uterus disorders, frequent menses. Swollen, painful and tender breasts. HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 3X Thick, acrid leucorrhoea, poor digestion, emaciation and prostration, menorrhagia, sore nipples and sinusitis. LEDUM PALUSTRE 3X Coldness during menses, Eczema, pimples on face. LILIUM TIGRINUM 4X Profound depression, inclination to weep, uterus & ovarian disorders, early menses. NAJA TRIPUDIANS 12X Dysmenorrhea, ovary disorders, headache, depression and confusion. MENTHA PIPERITA 3X Headache, stimulates perception of cold, stomach pain and flatulence. SENNA 3X Exhaustion, flatulence, constipation, muscular weakness. STAPHYSAGRIA 4X Always angry, peevish, eczema, sensitiveness of genital organs. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS 3X Changeable disposition and moods, irritable & late menses. VIOLA ODORATA 3X Inclination to weep, headache, trembling of limbs. MUREX PURPUREA 12X Female remedy; good for heart palpitations, throbbing of arteries.
Indications: Amenorrhea (absence of a menstrual period); profuse, tardy, scant or early menses; leucorrhea (thick, whitish vaginal discharge); premenstrual pains; pruritus (itch); gynocological maladies. Dosage: 10 drops, one or two times daily, or as recommended by a healthcare professional. Ingredients: MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS 30X Menses profuse, with abdominal pains. Leucorrhea excoriating, greenish and bloody; sensation of rawness in parts. Stinging pain in ovaries. Itching and burning; worse after urinating; better, washing with cold water. Morning sickness, with profuse salivation. Mammae painful and full of milk at menses. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 30X Vagina very sensitive. Warty excrescences on vulva and perineum. Profuse leucorrhea; thick, greenish. Severe pain in left ovary and left inguinal region. Menses scanty, retarded. Fleshy excrescences. Ovartis; worse left side, at every menstrual period. Profuse perspiration before menses. BORAX 30X Labor pains with frequent eructations. Galactorrhea. In nursing, pain in opposite breast. Leucorrhea like white of eggs, with sensation as if warm water was flowing. Menses too soon, profuse, with griping, nausea and pain in stomach extending into small of back. Membranous dysmenorrhea. Sterlity. Favors easy conception. Sensation of distention in clitoris with sticking. Pruritus of vulva and eczema. NITRICUM ACIDUM 30X External parts sore, with ulcers. Leucorrhea brown, flesh-colored, watery, or stringy, offensive. Hair on genitals falls out. Uterine haemorrhages. Menses early, profuse, like muddy water. With pain in back, hips and thighs. Stitches trhough vagina. Metrorrhagia after parturition. SILICEA 30X A milky acrid leucorrhea, during urination. Itching of vulva and vagina; very sensitive. Discharge of blood between menstrual periods. Increased menses, with paroxysms of icy coldness over whole body. Nipples very sore; ulcerated easily; drawn in. Fistulous ulcers of breast. Abscess of labia. Discharge of blood from vagina every time child is nursed. Vaginal cysts. Hard lumps in breast. POLSATILLA 12X Amenorrhea. Supressed menses from wet feet, nervous debility, or chlorosis. Tardy menses. Too late, scanty, thick, dark, clotted, changeable, intermittent. Chilliness, nausea, downward pressure, painful flow intermits. Leucorrhea acrid, burning creamy. Pain in back; tired feeling. Diarrhea during or after menses. FOLLICULINUM 12X Vulvar pruritus (itch), worse before menses. Small losses of blood during ovulation. Menses prolonged, blood bright red with clotting. Menses painful for the first few days. Yellow or brownish discharge, sometimes blood streaked, between menses, especially during ovulation. Uterus is fibrous with metrorrhagia. Congestion, pre-menstral pains. MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA 8X Menstrual colic. Membranous dysmenorrhea. Menses too early, dark stringy. Swelling of external parts. Ovarian neuralgia. Vaginismus. VIBURNUM OPULUS 3X Excessive menstruation with great weakness. Passive uterine hemorrhages. Menorrhagia; continuous flow, particulary at climacteric. Hemorrhages from fibroids.
Indications: For symptomatic relief of headaches, migraines and neuralgic pain. Because of the similar characteristics of the formula ingredients, consideration of its application should include influenza, viral infections measles, herpes and Epstein Barr Virus. Dosage: Adjust dosage to individual needs. At onset of attack, 10 drops every 15 minutes. As symptoms subside, adjust dose to 10 drops 3 to 4 times daily. Ingredients: GELSEMIUM SEMP. 3-10-30-200-1000X Aching, tiredness, heaviness, weakness and soreness. Influenza with malaise, neuralgia. RHUS TOXICODENDRON 3-10-30-200X Fever, stiffness and pain of muscles and joint, swollen glands, influenza, rheumatism. CIMICIFUGA 2-10-30-200X Throbbing head pain, back pains, muscle pain.
Indications: Acute and chronic conditions where the body's general healing processes need support. Arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, asthma, hepatic malfunction, colitis and ear, nose and throat conditions. Dosage: For prolonged therapy, 1 to 10 drops three times daily. For acute conditions begin with 10 drops each 15 to 30 minutes, not to exceed 200 drops per day, or as directed by your health professional. Ingredients: APIS MELIFICA 12X Edema and inflammation of all serious organs. ARGENTUM METALLICUM 8X Cartilage, bone and ligament disorders, rheumatism. BETULA ALBA 2X Inflammation and swelling of throat. CALCAREA FLUORICA 8X Swollen glands, varicose veins, bony growths. CALTHA PALUSTRIS 3X Pemphigus, irritant properties, inflammation. CLEMATIS ERECTA 4X Swollen glands, neuralgic pains, urinary difficulties. ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 5X Immune system fortifier, inflammation. GALIUM APARINE 3X Skin ulcerations, skin disorders, diuretic. HEDERA HELIX 4X Hemorrhoids, diarrhea, joint pains, gallbladder, inflammation. JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS 4X Allergies, gastric affections, flatulence and colic inflammation of kidneys. NITRICUM ACIDUM 6X Nephritis, swollen glands, eczema, dermatosis. ONONIS SPINOSA 4X Tenesmus of bladder and rectum, nose bleeding. PHOSPHORUS 8X Inflammation of mucous membranes, stiff joints. PYROGENIUM 6X Septic conditions, inflammation and pain. QUILLAJA SAPONARIA 4X Colds, coryza, sore throat. SEDUM ACRE 3X Anal fissures, constricting pain, hemorrhoids. SEMPERVIVUM TECTORUM 4X Herpes zoster, hemorrhoids. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 3X Sycotis pains, warts, bladder and urinary discomfort, vaccination effects, joint discomfort. URTICA URENS 3X Allergic reaction, rheumatism, gout, spleen disorders, urticaria.
Indications: For symptomatic relief of insomnia, fatigue, night time restlessness and pain related to circulatory and/or cardiac disorders. Dosage: Dosage should be adjusted to the needs of the individual. Generally, in long term therapy 10 to 20 Drops 3 to 4 times daily. Acute disorders chest pains, 10 drops every 10 to 15 minutes until improvement is observed. Ingredients: ARNICA MONTANA 4X Weakened heart muscles, palpitaions, angina pectoris, feeble and irregular pulse. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS 4X Acute heart pains, feeble irregular pulse, endocarditis. CASTOREUM 6X Exhaustion. COR BOVINUM 8X Hypertension, angia pectoris, coronary circulation disturbances, cardiac insufficiency, athletes heart, paroxysmal tachycardia. GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS 4X Weak, slow pulse, pain, palpitations, headache. GLONOINUM 6X Sudden irregularities of circulation, cardiac pain, violent headache. KALI CARBONICUM 3X Weakness of heart muscles, sharp cutting pains, arrhythmia RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS 6X Chest pain. SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA 2X Intermittent, irregular pulse, Angina pectoris, pericarditis. SULFUR 12X Palpitations, pericarditis. ABORTANUM 12X Metastasis of rheumatism to the heart, weak and small pulse.
small intestine (ileum) and the large intestine, is a one-way opening between the small and large intestine. The ileocecal valve also blocks these waste materials from backing back up into your small intestine. It is intended to be a one-way valve, only opening to allow processed foods to pass For a large percentage of our population it works in a two-way capacity, which means it allows reflux from the large intestine back into the small intestine. The ileocecal valve regulates the flow of chyme into the bowels. Without good elimination, our bowels do not function properly. The gut backs up, and the small intestine has food that should not be sitting there. It is supposed to be an organ of absorption, not an organ of contents. Ieocecal Valve Syndrome, the ¡§Great Mimicker¡¨ When the ileocecal valve is stuck open waste products can back up into the small intestine (much like a backed up kitchen sink drain) disturbing your digestion and also creating unhealthy toxins that are absorbed into the body. Also, if the ileocecal valve is stuck closed waste products are prevented or constricted from passing into the large intestine leading to malabsorption and other problems. A dysfunctional ileocecal valve can result in a great variety of symptoms. That is why Ileocecal Valve Syndrome is often called the ¡§Great Mimicker¡¨ and, unfortunately, is usually overlooked in treatment. Ileocecal Valve Syndrome Symptoms • Right shoulder pain • Right side pelvic pain • Low back pain • Pain surrounding heart • Flu symptoms • Tinnitus • Nausea • Syncope / Near syncope • Headache • Bad breath • Face pallor • Dark circles under eyes • Dizziness • Bowel disturbances (diarrhea / constipation) Causes of Ileocecal Valve Syndrome • Parasites • Dehydration • Emotional upsets • How you eat (overeating, eating too frequently or too quickly, eating foods you are sensitive to, under-chewing your food) • What you eat (carbonated drinks, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, raw foods, hot spicy foods, black pepper) Treatment Options Chiropractic Applied kinesiology Homeopathy Temporary elimination diet (for 2 to 3 weeks avoid: a. Roughage foods: popcorn, nuts, potato chips, pretzels, seeds, whole grains b. Raw fruits and vegetables: celery, bell peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes c. Spicy foods: chili powder, hot peppers, salsas, black and cayenne pepper, paprika, cloves, cinnamon d. Stimulants: liquors, alcoholic drinks, cocoa, chocolate, caffeine products. Dosage: One to ten drops under the tongue, three times daily or as recommended by a health practitioner. Indications: For complaints related to Ileocecal Valve (ICV) Syndrome including right shoulder pain, right pelvic pain, low back pain, flu symptoms, tinnitus (ringing in ears), nausea, syncope (fainting), headache, bad breath, face pallor, dark circles under eyes, dizziness, bowel disturbances (diarrhea / constipation). Ingredients: IODIUM 6X Cutting pain abdominal PITUITARUM POSTERIUM 8X Spastic colon THYROIDINUM 8X Diarrhea, cold sweats ADRENALINUM 10X Rumbling FEL TAURI 12X Constipation, diarrhea, jaundice TARAXACUM OFFICINALE 12X Shooting pain abdominal BRYONIA ALBA 30C Burning pain CARBO VEGETABILIS 30C Abdominal distention COLOCYNTHIS 30C Cutting pain abdominal INDOLUM 30C Constipation LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 30C Flatulance, bloating MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS 30C Bloated bruised ileosecal valve NUX VOMICA 30C Sore bowels PHOSPHORUS 30C Empty, gone feeling PULSATILLA NIGRICANS 30C Painful rumbling Supportive Products: Parasite complex, Amoeba, Dia-Verm, Ver, pH Stabilizer, Smart Silver or Allermilk (which includes the phenolics found in Black Pepper). Also Liquid Chlorphyl.
Indications: Immune Support is a combination remedy intended to enhance the ability of the immune system to function with greater effect when a secondary bacterial infection is present or when it is desirable to guard against the development of such infections. Conditions related to colds, flu, sore throats are intended to benefit. Useful in conditions where stimulation of the immune system is needed. Dosage: One to ten drops three times daily as recommended by the health professional. In severe cases, 10 drops every 15 minutes. Decrease dosage as condition improves. Ingredients: ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 2X Lymphatic inflammation of all kinds. Septic influence. ACONITUM NAPELLUS 3X High fever, swollen glands, influenza. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS 4X Acute and chronic catarrh, influenza, pharyngitis, sore throat. SULFUR 8X Liver and lung disorders, influenza. BAPTISIA TINCTORIA 4X Intermittent fever, nephritis, dry painful cough. LACHESIS MUTUS 10X Septic conditions, fever. BRYONIA 6X Inflammation, dry cough, fever. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM 6X Fever, influenza, headache. PULSATILLA 8X Erratic temperature fluctuation in fevers, headache. MERCURIUS SUBLIMATUS CORRASIVUS 6X Nasal catarrh, inflammation, corrosive. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 8X Sinusitis, whooping cough, asthma, vaccinosis. INFLUENZA NOSODE 12X Fever, post influenza symptoms. PHOSPHORUS 8X Bronchitis, headache, pneumonia, laryngitis. CORTISONE ACETATE ACETICUM 13X Dryness of the pharyngeal and nasal mucus membranes. STAPHY LOCCINUM 18X Addresses the potential involvement of staph infections. STREPTOCOCCINUM 18X Addresses the potential involvement of this bacteria. PHYROGENIUM 200X Septic conditions, influenza, gastro-intestinal conditions. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA 6X Enlargement of lymph nodes or glandular structures characterized by induration. ZINCUM METALLICUM 10X Sore throat, cough, headache. GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS 6X Influenza with malaise, muscular weakness. HEPAR SULFURIS CALCAREUM 10X Catarrh of mucus membranes, headache, bronchitis in aged, sinusitis, sore throat. RHUS TOXICODENDRON 4X Swollen glands, pain and stiffness in the joints, rheumatism, headache. ARNICA MONTANA 4X Influenza with sore muscles, fever, headache. ARSENICUM ALBUM 8X Asthma, hay fever, exhaustion and restlessness. ARGENTUM NITRICUM 8X Flatulence, headache. EUPHORBIUM 6X Cough, eye inflammation, headache, influenza, rhinitis and sinusitis. ARISTOLOCHIA CLEMATIS 6X Stimulates capillary circulation and arterial action.
Indications: Acute and chronic inflammation. Uses include abscesses, tonsillitis, cystitis, influenza, polyarthritis, sinusitis and pyelitis. Dosage: Three to ten drops, three times daily, or as recommended by their health professional. Ingredients: ARNICA MONTANA 3X Tiredness, sepsis, furunculosis. BRYONIA ALBA 4X Inflammation, bronchitis, rheumatism, gastroenteritis, muscle pain, migraines, fever, cough. BENZOICUM ACIDUM 3X Joint, knee inflammation and pain, rheumatism, sore tongue and throat, tonsillitis. COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE 4X Diarrhea, gout, heart affections, fever, nephritis, rheumatic and gouty. MERCURIALIS PERENNIS 3X Arthritic and rheumatic inflammation. ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 3X Inflammatory and septic conditions. RHUS TOXICODENDRON 6X Rheumatism, pain and stiffness of joints, swollen glands, fever. EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS 4X Influenza, fevers, gastric and intestinal catarrh, rheumatism. BAPTISIA TINCTORA 4X Influenza, aching head, sore throat, pains and soreness throughout body. SOLANUM NIGRUM 4X Headaches and body aches and pains, vertigo, disorientation. DULCAMARA 4X Rheumatism, swollen glands, diarrhea, muscle pain. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM 2X Fever, influenza, joint pain. APIS MELLIFICA 4X Edema, excessive swelling, inflammation with effusion.
Indications: Pain, stiffness, inflammation, conditions of the joints and connective tissue, arthritis, arthrosis, periarthritis, conditions of the tendons and ligaments, of the periosteum and connective tissue of the vessels. Dosage: In most cases, 10 drops every 15 minutes, reducing frequency upon improvement. Dosage should be adjusted according to individual symptoms. Ingredients: KALMIA LATIFOLIA 8X Kalmia is specific for the treatment of acute and especially chronic inflammation of the periosteum with gelatinous infiltration of the connective tissue; of arthritis and arthrosis with a tendency towards deformation, and (particularly nocturnal) otalgia and pains in the periosteum. For rheumatic and neuralgic pains; mainly on the right side; pains attacking a large part of the limb or several joints; pains along the ulnar nerves tot he index finger; red, hot, and swollen joints; stabbing pains in the heart. MERCURIUS PRAECIPITATUS RUBER 10X Periostitis, nocturnal otalgia, fistulae of the bone, acne pustulosa. ASAFOETIDA 8X Otalgia, with stabbing pains, caries of the bone, periostitis. CAUSTICUM HAHNEMANNI 10X Chronic rheumatic and arthritic disorders, twinges and strains of the muscles and tendons COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE 10X Rheumatism of the muscles and joints, backache worsening in wet weather. For gouty conditions. FERRUM METALLICUM 10X Shoulder and arm pain, particularly on the right side, lumbago, migraine, hip pains. LITHIUM BENZOICUM 10X Various forms of rheumatism and gout, uric acid diathesis. RHUS TOXICODENDRON 10X Rheumatism, neuralgia, worse in wet weather, intercostal and sciatic neuralgia, joint pain. SPIRAEA ULMARIA 10X Rheumatism of the muscles and joints. GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM 10X Sciatic neuralgia, numbness and pain in the lower back.
Indications: For temporary relief of symptoms related to Influenza and/or Respiratory Syncyntial Virus (RSV). Dosage: 5 to 10 drops every 30 minutes for four hours. Next, 8 to 10 drops every two hours for four consecutive doses. Then 1 to 10 drops three times daily. All as directed by the health professional. Ingredients: INFLUENZA A: The most common strain of Influenza virus marked by inflammation of the nasal mucosa, headache, fever, chills, body aches. It is often followed by upper-respiratory secondary infections. Occurrence is usually in two to three year intervals INFLUENZA B: Less common, equally uncomfortable form of influenza, occurrs in 4 to 5 year intervals. INFLUENZA C: A variety of Influenza that occurs sporadically but with all the related flu symptoms. RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS: A paramyxovirus resembling the influenza virus. It is the cause of epidemic acute respiratory disease that is more serious in children where it is the cause of broncho- pneumonia and bronchiolitis. NOTE: Use Influenza/Grippe Nosode in company with either Echinaplus or Immune Support remedies.
Indications: Flu and sinus symptoms, fever, restlessness accompanying illness, influenza, body aches and pains, catarrh of the respiratory tract, difficult breathing, coughs, illnesses which come on rapidly with fever in the initial stages of illness. Influenza Remedy is specifically formulated for the treatment of influenza and acute feverish conditions, for teething disorders, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis acuta and other acute feverish conditions. Also indicated for the early stages of illness in children where chills and fever are present. Dosage: Adjust the dosage for individual symptoms. Normally, 5 to 10 drops three times each day. In more severe conditions, 10 drops every 15 minutes for the first three hours. Ingredients: ACONITUM NAPELIUS 3-10-30-200X Inflammation, chills, chest pains, dry cough, fever. EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS 2-10-30X Influenza, aching, stiffness, fever, inflamed throat, catarrh. IPECACUANHA 3-10-30X Continuous nausea, vomiting, constriction in chest, cough, fever.
Indications: For relief of symptoms related to insect & spider bites. Ingredients: BITING INSECT ANTIGEN 8-12-30-60-100X Mosquito, Fleas, Bedbugs, Lice, Ticks, Chiggers, Ants, Fire Ant, Bee, Wasps, Spiders. THERIDION (Orange Spider) 12-30-60-100X Headache, chills, intermittent fever TARENTULA CUBENSIS (Cuban Tarantula) 8-12-30-60-100X Violent headaches extending to face and neck, restlessness, spider bites. TARENTULA HISPANA (Spanish Tarantula) 8-12-30-60-100X Headache, fever, nervous restlessness, spider bites. LOXOSCELES RECLUSUS (Brown Recluse Spider) 8-12-30-60-100X Intense localized pain, inflammation. LATRODECTUS MACTANS (Black Widow) 8-12-30-60-100X Severe pain at site of bite, later spreading to whole body, elevated blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, profuse perspiration. LEDUM PALUSTRE 4X Insect bites, animal bites, puncture wounds. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM 3X Injury to nerves, lacerations, shooting pains from injured parts, spasms after injury, bites of animals or insects. LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS 12X Lowers blood pressure, lowers heart rate, spider bites, snake bites. LACHESIS MUTUS 10X Headache, stings, high blood pressure, headache.
Indications: Disruption of the intestinal tract, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, fluid and electrolyte depletion and food poisoning. Dosage: Five to 10 drops every 15 minutes for two hours in acute cases. Thereafter, 5 to 10 drops three times each day. For less severe symptoms 5 to 10 drops three times each day. Ingredients: YERSINIA ENTEROCOLITICA T3 6,12, 30X Causal factors in food poisoning with acute gastroenteritis, mesenteric lymphadentitis, especially in young children. COLCHICUM AUTUMNATE 4X Rheumatism of the muscles and joints, backache worsening in wet weather. ALOE SOCOTRINA 6X Belching, flatulence, nausea ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 3X Stimulates immune function. Soothes inflammation process. SALMONELLA ENTERIDITIS 6,12, 30X A frequent agent of food poisoning related to infectious reactive arthritis. HELICOBACTER PYLORI 6,12, 30X A bacteria often associated with food poisoning, a major cause of peptic ulcers. CAMPYLOBACTER JEJUNI 6,12, 30X A common cause of acute bacterial gastroenteritis in humans. ESCHERICHIA COLI 6,12, 30X Usually nonpathogenic, but pathogenic strains that produce pyogenic infections and diarrhea are common. CITROBACTER 12,30X Diarrhea and septicemia. SHIGELLA 6,12, 30X Dysentery and diarrhea. CHINA SULPHURICUM 12X Stomach pain, fever, nausea and vomiting. CHOLERA 6,12, 30X A bacterial species causing acute infections with related diarrhea, vomiting, fluid and electrolyte depletion, muscle cramps and prostration. COLOCYNTHIS 6X Pain in muscles, nerves and joints. BOTULIN 30,60X Cramping pain in stomach, food poisoning. ARSENICUM ALBUM 6,12, 30X Food poisoning with diarrhea. dyspepsia, nausea, retching and vomiting, cannot bear the sight or smell of food. Gastritis. Stomach raw as if torn. MERCURIUS CORROIVUS 6X Inflammation, diarrhea. NUX VOMICA 6X Colic, cramps, diarrhea.
Indications: Pain and inflammation of the limbs and soft tissues as in rheumatic conditions and influenza. Also, strong neuralgic pain. Dosage: In acute conditions, 10 drops three or four times each day. Ingredients: RHUS TOXICODENDRON 6X Pain and stiffness of joints, tendons, sheaths, swollen glands, fever. BRYONIA ALBA 4X Swollen hands, intermittent fever, joints swollen, knees totter and bend while walking, headache. CAUSTICUM HAHNEMANNI 4X Weakness, progressive loss of muscular strength, pain in the muscular and fibrous tissues, deformities about the joints, unsteady walking, burning in joints. ARNICA MONTANA 4X Trauma in all forms, limbs ache, cannot walk erect, cramps in fingers, knee joints suddenly bend while standing. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM 8X Rheumatism attacking one joint after another, fever.
Indications: For temporary symptoms of uninary tract infections such as inflammation, stinging, burning, and frequency of urination; ¡§honeymoon cystitis¡¨. Dosage: 1-10 drops under the tongue 3 times a day, or as directed. Ingredients: KIDNEY 8X Stimulates and supports kidney function. CALCAREA CARBONICA 12X Headache, fever, glandular swelling, exhaustion, worry, apprehension, depression. APIS MELLIFICA 30X Anti-inflammatory, difficult and slowness of urination, burning and soreness when urinating. BELLADONNA 12X Anti-inflammatory BERBERIS VULGARIS 12X Inflammation of kidneys, pain from kidney stones, burning from bladder and burning when urinating. CANTHARIS 6X Constant desire to urinate. Urinate with constant burning and pain. Urinate only with pressure and drop by drop. Gripping in bladder. SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA 3X Chronic Nephritis with pain in kidneys. Drainage of kidneys. TEREBINTHINA 12X Inflammation of kidneys, hemorrhage of mucous membranes, burning sensation, bloody urine, urethritis with painful excretions. EQUISETUM HYEMALE 3X Urine flow drop by drop with pain at the completion of urination. Severe dull pain with fullness of bladder. PULSATILLA 30X Spasmodic pain in bladder, heavy pressure or cramp in bladder after urination, involuntary urination at night, urine passes in drops. STAPHYSAGRIA 30X Irritable bladder, pressure on bladder, frequent urging to urinate, burning in urethra during urination and pain after urinating. SEPIA 30X Cutting pain in bladder, slow urination with bearing down sensation, bedwetting, urine thick, foul smelling, blood in urine and sandy sediment.
Indications: Provides homeopathic influence in support of lymphatic and spleen regeneration. Dosage: 1-10 drops under the tongue 3 times a day, or as directed. Clinical Notes: The Lymph/Spleen Combination was molded from ingredients described in both traditional herbal literature and classical homeopathic literature. Also included are homeopathic dilutions of compounds identified in contemporary biochemical related literature as substances essential to healthy cellular function. Ingredients: LYMPH 8X, 12X Stimulates and supports lymphatic system. SPLEEN 8X, 12X Stimulation of the spleenic function and defensive mechanism. THYMUS 8X, 12X Stimulates and supports thymus function. QUERCUS GLANDIUM SPIRITUS 4X Chronic spleen disorders. CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS 6,12, 30X, 200C Enlargement of spleen and liver, enlarged glands, influences all ductless glands. HELIANTHUS ANNUUS 6-12-30X, 200C Intermittent fevers and ague, diuretic. NATRUM MURIATCUM 6-12-30X, 200C An electrolyte influencing osmotic pressure and control over extracellular fluids. APIS MELLIFICA 200C For exacerbation of chronic toxic conditions, inflammation. MYOSOTIS ARVENSIS 6,12X Chronic Bronchitis, nocturnal sudation. NATRUM SULFURICUM 6,12, 30X Support normal electrolyte balance, Lymphadinitis, urethritis. ADENOSINE TRI PHOSPHATE 12X, 30X Energy-carrying molecule produced by all cells for capturing and storing energy. SUCCINUM 30X Inflammation, swollen glands. COENZYME Q10 12X, 30X A primary ingredient of cellular mitochondria. It is a catalyst in the production of energy and boosts biochemical ability. FERRUM METALLICUM 30X Excitation of the lymphatic system. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA 3X Enlargement of lymph nodes or glandular structures characterized by induration. CASTANAE VESCA 3X Remedy for fever and ague with astringent qualities. CHININUM ARSENICOSUM 8X, 12X, 30C Weakness and prostration, hectic and intermittent fever, disinclination for mental work. JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS 6X Diuretic to enhance drainage in kidneys
Description: For relief of lymphatic swelling and inflammation. Dosage: 1-10 drops under the tongue 3 times a day, or as directed. Indications: Local inflammation, sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, swelling of glands, tonsillitis, gingivitis, serysipelas, infections, lymphitis, conjunctivitis. Ingredients: (in demineralized water and ethyl alcohol 25%): LYMPH 8X Stimulation and support of the lymphatic system. SPLEEN 8X Stimulation and support of the spleen CONIUM MACULATUM 12X Trembling, difficult gait, weakness, urinary troubles, poor memory, palpitations, swollen glands, vertigo, headache, nausea, vomiting, lachrymation, photophobia blood colored discharge from ear, heartburn, pain in axillary glands, yellow skin with eruptions, ulcers. MYRRHA 12X Asthma, bronchitis, tonsilitis, sore throat. LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 12X Gas & bloating, acidity, sore throat, abnormal urine. ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 12X Lymphangitis, septic conditions, boils, carbuncles. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA 12X Boils, enlarged glands, influenza, sore throat. SILICEA 12X Headache, fetid discharge from ears, facial neuralgia, pyorrhea, swollen glands, purulent mucous. SELENIUM METALLICUM 12X Stimulates natural dermal excretory function. TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE 3X Confusion, headache, memory loss, increased saliva, sore throat, hoarseness, coryza, hay fever, spasmodic, cough, stiff neck, tingling in palms, cold extremities.
Description: Multiple Miasm is a combination if all the major Miasm remedies in multiple potencies. According to Samuel Hanhnemann, Miasms are the key underlying cause of all chronic illness and when treated, their "primary and secondary symptoms spontaneously disappear....". Miasms are generally acquired as genetic predispositions to disease processes, (Psora, Tuberculosis, etc.). Exhibit symptoms such as skin rashes, itching, dry coughs, warts, asthma wheezing, and recurring skin sores. (Organon of Medicine, p.147. J.P. Tarnher, Ind publisher). Indications: For temporary relief of symptoms related to miasmic conditions including skin rashes, itching, dry cough, warts, asthma, and recurring skin sores. Dosage: 1 to 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as directed by your health professional. Ingredients: TUBERCULINUM 30-200C Always tired, motion causes fatigue, low vitality, catches colds easily. SYPHILINUM 30-60-100-200C Poor reaction to remedy, knots in muscles, ulcerations, succession of abscesses, alcoholism, constipation, headache. PSORINUM 30-60-100-200C Allergies & hay fever, severe skin itch, lack of reaction to remedies, acne, asthma, boils, ulcers. MEDORRHINUM 30-200C Chronic rheumatism, trembling, sinusitis, diabetes. CARCINOSINUM 30-200C Multiple allergies & chronic fatigue, vaccination reaction, asthma, insomnia, spondylitis, worms. LYCOPODINUM CLAVATUM 30C Poor digestion, poor circulation, bloated, liver problems, dysfunctional bile duct and gall bladder. ARSENICUM ALBUM 30C Exhaustion and restlessness, deep acting. SULFUR 30C Headache, dry scalp, burning in eyes, opthalmia, catarrhal deafness, polyps, adenoids, burning red dry throat, loss of appetite, acidity, craves sweets, painful liver, itchy anus, hemorrhoids, micturtion, enuresis, respiration problems, dyspnea, rheumatic gout with itching, sweats.
Indications: For the treatment of coughs, bronchitis, pertussis, asthma, influenza, bronchopneumonia and side effects related to DPT vaccinations. Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 3 times daily. For coughing and acute conditions, 5 to 10 drops hourly, decrease with improvement. Ingredients: PERTUSSINUM 30X Nosode for pertussis. TETANUS NOSODE 30X Nosode for tetanus. KREOSOTUM 5X Difficult breathing, bronchitis, pain in chest. ACONITUM NAPELLUS 4X Hoarse, dry croupy cough and fever. BELLADONNA 4X Tickling, short, dry cough, painful larynx, headache, temperature. BRYONIA ALBA 4X Dry mucus membranes, hacking painful coughs, headache. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER 4X Dry, hacking spasmodic cough, worse when lying down. IPECACUANBA 4X Intermittent fever, whooping cough, asthma. LOBELIA INFLATA 4X Asthma, coughs, croup, headache, nausea, vomiting. PHOSPHORUS 5X Tightness in chest, bronchitis, cough, pneumonia. SILICEA 8X Sycetic asthma, violent cough. STICTA PULMONARI 4X Bronchitis, tracheitis, coughing worse toward evening, hacking cough prevents sleeping. ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM 4X Pneumonia, emphysema, coughing.
Indications: For the treatment of rheumatism and neuralgia of various locations and origins. Intercostal neuralgia, chronic polyarthritis. Wet weather influences symptoms. Dosage: One to 10 drops 2 to 4 times daily. Ingredients: RHODODENDRON CHYRSANTHEMUM 3X Arthritis, cilicary neuralgia, nocturnal rheumatism, shoulder pain, arm and spleen pain, neuralgia. SPIRAEA ULMARIA 3X Rheumatism of muscles and joints. ASCIEPIAS TUBEROSA 6X Rheumatic pain in all joints, worse in cold damp weather. DULCAMARA 4X Ingredient to counteract the effects of cold wet weather. LEDUM PALUSTRE 4X Rheumatism, gouty pain in feet, limbs and small joints. ACONITUM NAPELLUS 4X Rheumatic inflammation of joints, high fever, muscle pain. LITHIUM BENZOICUM 3X Gout, joint pain, uric acid diathesis. PULSATILLA 3X Swollen painful joints, numbness, feet inflamed and edematous. ACIDUM BENZOICUM 3X Edema of feet and legs, joint pain. EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM 3X Headache, rheumatism, rhinitus, sinusitis.
Indications: Acute and chronic sinusitis, catarrh and dropsy of the middle ear passages, children earaches and chronic ear problems. Use in combination with Pertussis when symptoms stem from DPT vaccination. Dosage: Eight to 10 drops three times daily. For acute symptoms 8 to 10 drops each hour until symptoms moderate. For children 2-12, use the adult dose. For children under 2 years use ½ the adult dose. In acute cases increase frequency to every ½ hour but for no more than 6 doses. Ingredients: ARGENTUM NITRICUM 10X Muco-purulent discharge from inflamed mucous membranes, raw soreness in trachea, cough, asthma. NATRUM MURIATICUM 12X Nosode for infections of throat and sinuses. EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM 4X Catarrh of the mucous membranes and skin. Inflammation of eyes, hay fever. HEPAR SULFURIS CALCAREUM 10X Bronchitis, coughs, laryngitis, hoarseness, catarrhal of mucous membranes. LUFFA OPERCULATA (GOURD) 6X Acute and chronic catarrh and inflammation of mucous membranes in nasal cavities. Sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER 8X Sore throat, nasal catarrh, frontal headache. MUCOSA NASALIS 8X Chronic sinusitis, sinusitis infection. PLANTAGO MAJOR 3X Earache, toothache, painful eyes, nasal discharge, frequent sneezing. PULSATILLA 2X Catarrh of mucous membranes, weeping eyes, asthma, headache. SINUSITISINUM 12X Acute and chronic infections of sinuses. CALCAREA CARBONICA 12X Headache, fever, glandular swelling.
NEW PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Recent medical studies conducted by Mayo Clinic found that 97% of sinusitis is caused by fungal infections. Three to four different kinds of fungi was found in every patient. With this in mind, Sinusitis Plus has been formulated to include Mucor racemosus, Aspergillus nigra, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fugimatus. Indications: For relief of symptoms of symptoms of acute and chronic Sinusitis. KALIUM MURIATICUM 6X, 200C Effective in cases with fibrinous exudates and whitish thick viscous secretions. CALCEREA SULPHURICUM 10X, 200C Indicated in suppurative inflammatory conditions with yellowish secretions. SULPHUR 6C Essential for the process of successful drainage of toxic products from the sinuses. MUCOR RACEMOSUS 6C, 15C, 30C, 200C Fungal plant pathogen causing fungal infections. HYDRASTIS CANADENESIS 7C, 200C Indicated for thick yellowish sticky tenacious secretions usually accompanied by the feeling of weakness. KALIUM BICHROMICUM 7C, 200C Indicated in sinusitis with sticky mucous discharge from the nose together with frontal headache and pain at base of the nose. LACHASIS MUTUS 7C, 200 C Indicated when severe pain is felt on the left sinuses MERCURIUS SULPHURATUS RUBER 7C, 200 C Indicated for periorbital pain and for post nasal stringy mucous. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM 7C, 10C, 200 C Indicated when there is a tendency for suppuration and in cases of acute suppurative pathology. ARGENTUM NITRICUM 10C Essential for the process of successful drainage of toxic products from the sinuses. COBALTUM NITRICUM 10C Essential for the process of successful drainage of toxic products from the sinuses. CUPRUM METALLICUM 10C Essential for the process of successful drainage of toxic products from the sinuses. MANGANUM METALLICUM 10 Essential for the process of successful drainage of toxic products from the sinuses. SILICEA 10C Headache, fetid discharges from ears, facial neuralgia, pyorrhea, swollen glands, purulent mucous. ASPERGILLUS NIGRA 10C, 15C, 30C, 200C Fungal infections. ASPERGILLUS FLAVUS 10C, 15C, 30C, 200C Fungal infections. ASPERGILLUS FUGIMATUS 10C, 15C, 30C, 200C Fungal infections. CANDIDA ALBICANS 10C, 15C, 30C, 200C Fungal infections. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 12C, 200 C Indicated in cases with chronic mucous membranes inflammation. It is also effective in cases of fungal infection. SINUSITISINUM 15C Stimulates healing and regeneration of the mucous membrane of the sinus.
Indications: Skin infections, acne, furuncle, carbuncles, tonsillitis, vesicular eczema, herpes zoster, herpes simplex. Dosage: Usually one to 10 drops three times daily. Ingredients: LACHESIS MUTUS 12X Boils, carbuncles, cellulitis, fungoid, and varicose ulcers, septic conditions. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA 4X Papular and pustular lesions, boils. AILANTHUS GLANDULOSUS 3X Septic conditions, chancre, blisters filled with dark fluid. ECHINACEA ANFUSTIFOLIA 3X Septic conditions, lymphangitis, recurring boils, carbuncles. BELLADONNA 4X Pustules on face, acne rosacea, dermatitis, boils. MEZEREUM 9X Eczema, itching, oozing eruptions with crusty surface and pus beneath, deep hard ulcers. ARSENICUM ALBUM 12X Eczema, eruptions, pimples, vesicles, epithelioma, urticaria, carbuncles, psoriasis. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCUREUM 8X Bronchitis, coughs, laryngitis, hoarseness, catarrhal of mucous membranes. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS HAHNEMANNI 6X Sore, painful and bleeding gums. HERPES SIMPLEX NOSODE 12X Nosode for herpes related skin infections. HERPES ZOSTER NOSODE 12X Nosode for herpes related skin infections.
Indications: Sore throats, lymphatic support, swollen glands, tonsillar hypertrophy, detox and drainage. Dosage: Adjust to individual needs. For general drainage, 10 drops three times daily. In case of severe illness 15 to 20 drops three times daily. Continue treatment for several months. Ingredients: MYOSOITIS ARVENSIS 3X Chronic bronchitis, abundant secretion of mucus in throat, cough, lung disorders. VERONICA BECCABUNGA 3X Chronic bronchitis, cystitis, pruritus. TEUCRIUM SCORODONIA 3X Bronchorrhea, tuberculosis. PINUS SILVESTRIS 4X Bronchitis, increased bronchial mucus. GENTIANA LUTEA 5X Difficulty breathing, pressure on chest, headache, dry mouth and throat, swelling, irritation in nose, hoarseness, raw roughness of throat. EQUISETUM HYEMALE 4X Pain in kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, enuresis. SARSAPARILIA 6X Swelling in nose, nephritis, pain with urination. SCROPHULARIA NODOSA 3X Enlarged glands, muscular pain weakness, irritation of esophagus, pain, cough. JUGIANS REGIA 3X Aphonia, hawking of mucus, white coated tongue, burning eyes, redness and swelling in ears. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 12X Chronic enlargement of tonsils, glandular enlargement. NATRUM SULFURIC 4X Slimy, thick brown coating on tongue, thick yellow mucus from sinuses, sneezing with fluent coryza. FUMARIA OFFICIANALIS 4X Blood cleaner, liver support. THYROXIN NOSODE 12X Promotes oxidation process. LYMPHATIC NOSODE 12X Supports and stimulates lymphatic drainage. ARANEA DIADEMA 6X Irritated cough with huskiness, headache, intermittent fever. GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM 4X Diarrhea, constant hawking and spitting. NASTURTIUM AQUATICUM 4X Scorbutric disorders, constipation, neurasthenia. FERUM IODATA 12X Coryza, discharge of mucus from nose, trachea and larynx.
Indications: Sulfur Remedy is intended to assist in support of the body's immune system where symptoms are related to general viral infections. These included viral influenza, pneumonia and hepatitis. Reactions to viral vaccinations are included as well. Skin inflictions such as neurodermatitis, urticaria, eczema and furunculosis can be influenced positively as respiratory problems as with bronchitis, pertussis, pneumonia and asthma. Dosage: For acute symptoms, 10 drops every 30 minutes for 3 hours then reduce dosage to 10 drops 3 to 4 times daily. Ingredients: ASCIEPIAS TUBEROSA 6-10-30X Bronchitis and pleurisy, fever, asthma, coughs, diarrhea, headache, pericarditis, pleurisy, painful breathing. SULFUR 4-10X Catarrh, chest pains, chilblains, cough, diarrhea, fever headache, laryngitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, vaccination. DULCAMARA 10-30X Rheumatic problems where change from hot to cold aggravates symptoms. Swollen glands, diarrhea, skin eruptions. BRYONIA ALBA 10-30X Inflammation of all serious membranes and realter viscera. Cough, pain, asthma, fever, skin eruptions, headaches, pleurisy, heart inflammation. THYROPLUS
Description: For the regulation and stimulation of the Thyroid Gland. Dosage: 1-10 drops under the tongue 3 times a day, or as directed. Ingredients: Demineralized water and ethyl alcohol 25% THYROID 6-12X Stimulation and support of the thyroid glands. PITUITARY 6-12X Stimulation and support of the pituitary gland. FUCUS VESICULOSUS 3X Improved digestion, goiter, obesity. SPONGIA TASTA 3X Exhaustion and heaviness of body, goiter, constipation. COLLOIDAL IODIUM 12X Thyroid disorders, goiter, lymphatic swelling. COLLOIDAL IRIDIUM 12X Increase in red blood cells, exhaustion. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM 6X Mental depression and confusion, muscular weakness, apathy, physical exhaustion. CALCAREA CARBONICA 12X Impaired nutrition, swelling glands, thyroid dysfunction, tenderness over liver, intolerant to pressure, abdominal swelling, fat and milk disagrees, crave indigestible. Indications: Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, allergies, fatigue, myxedema, increase of protein, carbohydrate & fat metabolism, leukemia, goitger-drainage of the organ.
Indications: For the temporary relief of strains, sprains, contusions, fractures and joint pain. Formula notes: Trauma Relief Gel contains many of the ingredients found in another popular homeopathic trauma gel, but with the addition of: Rhus Tox: from the poison ivy plant is an effective remedy for poison ivy, chicken pox, back pain, colds, herpes, hives, flu, mumps, measles, sore throat, nerve pain, muscle strains and sprains, dermatitis, arthritis, bursitis, carpal tunnel, rheumatism, and fevers. Rescue Combination: These flower essences are important to the effectiveness of this remedy. This is a natural stress reliever to help calm emotions during a crisis. It is effective for people and animals to recover from injury or fright, illness, or fatigue. Bryonia Alba: Complimentary to Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba is a cathartic remedy useful for acute diseases and was one of Hahnemann’s earliest provings. Used for aggravation produced by any motion, vertigo, headache, abdominal pain, joint pain, lumbar and sciatic pain, stiching pain deep in brain, eyes, deep in ear, teeth, throat, stomach, liver, spleen, chest, between shoulder blades, arms, elbow, wrist, fingers, knees, soles, big toe. All SEROUS MEMBRANES – all worse from motion. Carbo Vegetabilis: A great healing agent, Carbo Vegetabilis is a deep acting, antipsoric (cures itching) medicine that has positive effects on the mind, head, hair, mouth and throat, limbs, heart, blood, sleep, sweats, eyes, ears, larynx and chest, abdomen, bladder and liver. Suggested application: Apply a small amount on the area of discomfort, gently rubbing the gel into the skin. Application should be as soon after the injury as possible. Repeat three times in ten minute intervals, thereafter apply three times daily as needed. For topical use only, not for oral use. Do not expose to extreme heat. Chiropractic Physicians and Massage Therapists have realized great theraputic value using Trauma Relief Gel in conjunction with ultra-sound and massage. Ingredients: ARNICA MONTANA 4-12-30-200X Promotes healing of wounds and other injuries. Excitation of capillary blood flow. BELLADONNA 6X Localized inflammation and hematomas. BELLIS PERENNIS 6X Muscular soreness, deep soreness, sprains, bruises, inflammation and circulation support. BRYONIA ALBA 4X Deep strong pain, as with broken bones. Also, hemorrhages and fever. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS 4X Feeling of great pain, enhanced healing of wounds & injuries. CARBO VEGETABILIS 12X Symptoms of shock and suppuration. CHAMOMILLA 3X Hypersensitivity to pain. Promotes healing of wounds. ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 3X Stimulates immune function. Soothes inflammation process. HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA 3X Tendency to promote embolism. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM 5X Regeneration of the sulfide enzymes, tendency toward suppuration. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM 3X Nerve lesions; tearing pains everywhere. MILLEFOLIUM 3-6X Arterial bleeding; artery lesion. RESCUE COMBINATION 4X Relaxation, reduce stress. (Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum, Clematis). RHUS TOXICODENDRON 6-12-30X Back pains, pains in tendons, ligaments, tissues and joint pain. Other Ingredients: Carbomer 940, Sodium Propylparaben, Triethanolamine, Demineralized water.
Indications: For temporary relief of minor injuries, bruises, contusions, lesions, sprains, dislocations, fractures, and trauma following surgery. Dosage: 8 to 10 drops three times daily. Immediately following surgery, 8 to 10 drops every hour for four hours. Next, 8 to 10 drops every two hours for four consecutive doses. Then 8 to 10 drops every four hours for one more day. Formula notes: Trauma Relief Gel contains many of the ingredients found in another popular homeopathic trauma gel, but with the addition of: Rhus Tox: from the poison ivy plant is an effective remedy for poison ivy, chicken pox, back pain, colds, herpes, hives, flu, mumps, measles, sore throat, nerve pain, muscle strains and sprains, dermatitis, arthritis, bursitis, carpal tunnel, rheumatism, and fevers. Rescue Combination: Made of flower essences important to the effectiveness of this remedy. This is a natural stress reliever to help calm emotions during a crisis. It is effective for people and animals to recover from injury or fright, illness, or fatigue. Bryonia Alba: Complimentary to Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba is a cathartic remedy useful for acute diseases and was one of Hahnemann¡¦s earliest provings. Used for aggravation produced by any motion, vertigo, headache, abdominal pain, joint pain, lumbar and sciatic pain, stiching pain deep in brain, eyes, deep in ear, teeth, throat, stomach, liver, spleen, chest, between shoulder blades, arms, elbow, wrist, fingers, knees, soles, big toe. All SEROUS MEMBRANES ¡V all worse from motion. Carbo Vegetabilis: A great healing agent, Carbo Vegetabilis is a deep acting, antipsoric (cures itching) medicine that has positive effects on the mind, head, hair, mouth and throat, limbs, heart, blood, sleep, sweats, eyes, ears, larynx and chest, abdomen, bladder and liver. Ingredients: ARNICA MONTANA 4-12-30-200X Promotes healing of wounds and other injuries. Excitation of capillary blood flow. BELLADONNA 6X Localized inflammation and hematomas. BELLIS PERENNIS 6X Muscular soreness, deep soreness, sprains, bruises, inflammation and circulation support. BRYONIA ALBA 4X Deep strong pain, as with broken bones. Also, hemorrhages and fever. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS 4X Feeling of great pain, enhanced healing of wounds & injuries. CARBO VEGETABILIS 12X Symptoms of shock and suppuration. CHAMOMILLA 3X Hypersensitivity to pain. Promotes wound healing. ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 3X Stimulates immune function. Soothes inflammation processes. HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA 3X Tendency to promote embolism. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM 8X Regeneration of the sulfide enzymes, tendency toward suppuration. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM 3X Nerve lesions; tearing pains everywhere. MILLEFOLIUM 3-6X Arterial bleeding; artery lesion. RESCUE COMBINATION 8X Relaxation, reduce stress. (Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum, Clematis). RHUS TOXICODENDRON 6-12-30X Back pains, pains in tendons, ligaments, tissues and joints.
Indications: For temporary relief of symptoms related to vaccinations. Dosage: One to three drops, under the tongue, three time daily or as directed by your health professional. Ingredients: MMR 30-60-100X Rubeola, Epidemic Parotitis, Rubella. DPT 30-60-100X Diptherinum, Pertussinum, Tetanus. POLIO VIRUS 30-60-100X Polio vaccine. SIMION 40 VIRUS 30-60-100X The virus found in the simion kidneys used in the production of orally administered Salk Polio Vaccines. CALCAREA CARBONICA 30-60-100X Headache, fever, glandular swelling. SILICEA 8-30X Ill effects of vaccination. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 6-30X Joint & muscle pain, fever, skin rashes. CARCINOSIN 30-60-100X Ill effects of vaccinations, immune deficiency. MEZEREUM 6-30X Vaccination eczemas. Dosage: One to ten drops three times daily or as directed by your health professional. Other Products to Consider: Lymph Drainage, Lymph/Spleen.
Indications: For temporary relief of fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, eye pain, headache, myalgia, rash and lymphadenopathy. Dosage: One to ten drops three times daily or as recommended by a health practitioner. Ingredients: WEST NILE VIRUS NOSODE 30-200C ARNICA 30C Sore back and neck, traumatic fevers, limbs ache, headache. CEDRON SINARTUS 8-12C Pain in joints, stiff neck, pain across forehead. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM 30C Influenza, bone pains, violent aching, neck pain, trembling, violent headache. PSORINUM 30C Migraines, nausea, vomiting. TEREBINTHINA 30C Inflammation of kidneys, aching soreness and stiffness of muscles, bachache and lethargy. RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30C Rheumatism, influenza, tearing pain in tendons, restless, stiff and sore, itching skin, limbs paralyzed. CONIUM MACULATUM 30C Becomes gradually weak, weakness of mind and body, trembling, progressive debility, paralysis, headache, glands enlarged. PLUMBUM METALICUM 12C Wandering pains, progressive muscular atrophy. GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS 30C Drowsiness, sullness and trembling, muscular weakness, weak slow pulse, nervous chills. LAHYRUS SATIVUS 9-30C Paralysis. SULFONAL 9C Weakness, mental confusion, paralysis, headache, vertigo, rash. Supportive Products: Kidney Drainage, Lymph Drainage, Smart Silver
Virus 2006 is formulated to address symptoms associated with all types of flu. As an adjunct, administer Smart Silver 2 or 3 times daily to support the immune system. Indications: For temporary relief of flu symptoms, fever, chills, body aches and pains. Dosage: 1-10 drops under the tongue 3 times a day or as directed by a health professional. If no improvement or symptoms worsen, seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider or emergency care center immediately. Ingredients: TUBERCULINUM AVIARE 30C Acts on the apices of the lungs. Excellent for influenza, bronchitis. For incessant, tickling, irritating cough. It relieves the post-influenza debility and braces up the whole organism. TUBERCULINUM 30C Fever with profuse sweating. Chilly in all stages of fever. Complaints from changed weather, damp, cold. Catches cold easily. Pneumonia after influenza. Cough dry hard. Dyspnea (mucus rattle in chest). Thick yellow or yellow green sputum. Green fetid discharge from nose. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM 30C Great soreness and aching of bones. Vomiting of bile. Intense thirst for cold water. Cough with soreness in chest-must sit on hands and knees to get relief. Coryza, sneezing. Headache with soreness in the eyeballs. Internal soreness. Aching in the back of limbs and soreness of flesh. Bruised pain in calves. VERATRUM VIRIDE 30C High fever in the evening, below normal in the morning. Hot-sweating. Pupils dilated. Pain in the nape of the neck, cannot hold head up. Head congestion. Throbbing arteries. Slow, weak, soft pulse. Vertigo with nausea, sudden prostration. Violent cough, dyspnea, pneumonia. KREOSOTUM 30C Feverish sensation over the whole body. Frequent shivering. Chill with great bodily restlessness. Thirst after shivering. Cough after influenza. Winter coughs of old people with heavy pressure on the sternum. Copious purulent expectoration. GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS 30C Dullness, dizziness, drowsiness. Heavy droopy eyelids. Thirstless. Heavy, flushed besotted look. Vertigo. Lower jaw dropped. Itching in nose, coryza and dull headache. Fullness at the root of the nose, sneezing. Oppression about the chest, dry cough with sore chest and fluent coryza. Acute bronchitis. Lightheaded sensation, vertigo with dim vision. H5N1 NOSODE 30X, 30C, 200X
Description: This combination has been formulated to relieve the fatigue and exhaustion associated with viral infections which produce mononucleosis type symptoms. Certain viruses influence the pericardium, heart and pleural cavity and have been strongly associated with heart difficulties. Selected ingredients aid in the normalization of circulation as well as encouraging liver function, improved metabolism and detoxification. Indications: Angina, coronary and circulatory disorders, pericarditis and endocarditis, chronic fatigue and exhaustion. Dosage: Ten drops three times daily. For acute infections or following myocardial infarction, 8 to 10 drops every 30 minutes decreasing to once each hour as improvement is realized. Ingredients: ARSENICUM ALBUM 8X Anxiety, exhaustion, restlessness, angina pectoris, hydropericardium. LACTICUM ACIDUM 6X Contributes to the regulation of the acid-base balance in tissue and myocardium. ARNICA MONTANA 6X Muscular tonic, heart disorders. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS 3X Constricting pains in the heart, high blood pressure. CARBO VEGETABILIS 12X Improved circulation, angina pectoris. CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHA 6X Myocarditis, heart irregularity, high blood pressure. COXSACKIE NOSODE 30X Viral nosode for infection of the pleural cavity and myocardium. CYTOMEGALOVIRUS NOSODE 30X Nosode for viral infections. EPSTEIN BARR NOSODE 30X Nosode for viral infections and chronic exhaustion. FUMARIC ACID ISODE 8X Metabolic intermediate in the citric acid cycle of oxidation and reduction. GLONOINUM 6X Soothes irregularities and surges in circulation, headaches. HEART SARCODE 8X Support proper circulation and function where insufficiency exists. IGNATIA AMARA 6X Pains and feeling of constriction in chest. KALI CARBONICUM 4X Sharp cutting pains, weakness of heart muscles. KALMIA LATIFOLIA 4X Heart, nerve and rheumatic remedy. Pains and aching in limbs. A-KETO-GLUTARIC ACID ISODE 8X Metabolic intermediate in the citric acid cycle of oxidation and reduction, promotes liver function. HEPAR BOVINUM 8X Supports detox function of liver. MALIC ACID ISODE 8X Metabolic intermediate in the citric acid cycle of oxidation and reduction. NAJA TRIPUDIANS 15X Acute and chronic septic endocarditis. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS 6X Sharp pains in chest. SODIUM OXALATE ISODE 8X Metabolic intermediate in the citric acid cycle of oxidation and reduction. SPIGELIA HISPIDUS ANTHELMIA 10X Pericardial pain, pericarditis, angina pectoris. STROPHANTHUS 8X Heart debility and insufficiency causing weak, rapid and irregular beat, pain in chest.