Comprehensive Homeopathics


CEREBROMAX utilizes Desbiochord dilution principles to balance the brain's key information drivers, the neurotransmitters, while employing diluted suis brain tissue to focus the effect of those ingredients specifically to the brain. In addition, patients suffering from emotional issues, chemical brain imbalances, depression, significant stress, or similar types of issues will see direct benefit with CEREBROMAX.

Indications: For temporary relief of sleep, emotional, nervous or memory disorders. Dosage: 3 to 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as directed by your health professional.



ACETYLCHOLINE CHLORIDE 6X, 12X, 30X, 200X, 12C, 30C, 60C, 200C A major excitatory neurotransmitter used for control of sensory input and muscular outpour signals, memory, mental focus and sexual activity. A neurotransmitter of major significance needed for smooth flow of nerve impulses. A chemical mediator released by cells and known to produce allergic manifestations along with histamine.

DOPAMINE: 6X, 12X, 30X, 200X, 12C, 30C, 60C, 200C Dopamine is one of the basic neurotransmitters of the nervous system. It is also found in many foods. It is known to assist three main Dopamine Neurotransmitter systems.

GABA 6X, 12X, 30X, 200X, 12C, 30C, 60C, 200C GABA is a non-protein that functions as an inhibitory neurotransmitter. It is very important to brain function, acts as a natural sleep-inducing compound and has anti-hypertensive and anti-schizophrenic characteristics.

OCTOPAMINE 6X, 12X, 30X, 200X, 12C, 30C, 60C, 200C A neuromodulator which acts by modifying the effects of hormones and neurotransmitters to modulate nervous system responses to various stimuli. Its broad distribution in the brain and other parts of the nervous system allows it to act on many neurons.

SEROTONIN 6X, 12X, 30X, 200X, 12C, 30C, 60C, 200C A neurotransmitter of major importance in brain chemistry. It is responsible for regulation of appetite, sleep control and when deficiencies occur, some emotional tendencies such as aggression and obsessive compulsive disorders. It is metabolized from the essential amino acid tryptophan, which can be derived from indole through pancreatic degradation and in the small intestine.

TAURINE 6X, 12X, 30X, 200X, 12C, 30C, 60C, 200C An inhibitory neurotransmitter which plays a major role in the brain and other electrically excitable tissue. It is involved in the calcium metabolism within the brain which plays a majthe release of neurotransmitters.

CEREBRUM SUIS 8X Brain sarcode needed to direct the balancing of neurotransmitters.

CYCLIC AMP 8X A molecule synthesized from ATP by adenylyl cyclase, which is located at the cell membrane and is activated by a range of signaling molecules. It is a second messenger used for intracellular signal transduction, such as transferring the effects of hormones like glucagon and adrenaline which cannot get across the cell membrane. It is also used to regulate the passage of calcium through ion channels. Ion channels are pore-forming proteins that help establish and control the small voltage gradient (the flow of ions) across the plasma membrane of all living cells.

DIENCEPHALON SUIS 8X Brain sarcode needed to direct the balancing of neurotransmitters.

PINEAL GLAND SUIS 8X Brain sarcode needed to direct the balancing of neurotransmitters.

THALAMUS OPTICUS SUIS 8X Brain sarcode needed to direct the balancing of neurotransmitters.

Price: $22.00

DETOX I: DETOX 1 is for patients needing to cleanse their liver and GI tract. It is definitely important in detoxification of toxins that pass through liver specifically and then the remedy aids in general toxin drainage. Indications: Temporary relief of symptoms related to a congested Liver and Gastrointestinal tract including Bloating, Flatulence, Diarrhea, Constipation, Fatigue and symptoms from excessive and improper eating and drinking.

Dosage: 3 to 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as directed by your health professional.


CARDUUS MARIANUS 3X Pain in region of liver, liver detox, homeopathic milk thistle.

CHELIDONIUM MAJUS 4X Biliary colic, enlarged liver

CINCHONA OFFICINALIS 4X Gallstone colic, flatus.


METHYL COBALAMIN 4X Disturbance of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, support of methylation cycle

TARAXACUM OFFICINALE 4X Liver enlarged and indurated

VERATRUM ALBUM 4X Copious vomiting and nausea, abdominal pain with syncope

AVENA SATIVA 6X Debility after exhausting illness

CYNARA SCOLYMUS 6X Hepatic stimulation


MENADIONE 6X, 8X, 30X, 200X Vitamin K. The prothrombin factor important to the control of blood clotting function is necessary for the process of phosphorylation in which phosphate combined with glucose passes through cell membranes and is converted to glycogen in the liver.

A-LIPOICUM ACIDUM 8X Coenzyme in decomposition of pyruvic acid. It is the output of the aerobic metabolism of glucose known as glycolysis.

HEPAR SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Liver

COLON SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X Suis based sarcode of Colon

DUODENUM SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X Suis based sarcode of Duodenum

GALLBLADDER SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X Suis based sarcode of Gallbladder

INTESTINE SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X Suis based sarcode of Intestine

LYMPH NODES SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X Suis based sarcode of Lymphatics

PANCREAS SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X Suis based sarcode of Pancreas

THYMUS SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X Suis based sarcode of Thymus

A-KETOGLUTARICUM ACIDUM 10X Factor of Citric Acid Cycle

CHOLESTERINUM 10X Cholelithiasis, atherosclerosis, cirrhosis of liver


GLYOXAL 10X For stimulation of the non specific defense mechanisms in chronic illness.

HISTAMINUM HYDROCHLORICUM 10X Support of detoxification

MALLIC ACIDUM 10X Factor of Citric Acid Cycle

NATRUM OXALACETICUM 10X Factor of citric Acid Cycle

SULPHUR 13X Pain and soreness in region of liver

CALCAREA CARBONICA 28X Abdomen distended with hardness

OROTICUM ACIDUM 7C Liver damage. Historically believed to be part of the Vitamin B complex and called vitamin B13, but it is now known that it is not a vitamin, instead manufactured in the body by intestinal flora.

MORGAN GAERTNER 30C, 200C Bach Paterson Bowel Nosode to support sulphur

MORGAN PURE 30C, 200C Bach Paterson Bowel Nosode to support sulphur

Price: $22.00

DETOX II is for patients needing to cleanse their Urinary System specifically the kidneys so that Detoxification and Drainage of those toxins needing elimination by the renal route are optimized. It will also optimize symptoms due to delayed renal function in general. Indications: Temporary relief of symptoms related to a weakened and congested Urinary system including Frequency, Fluid retention, swelling Back Pain, Urgency, Burning and Fatigue.

Dosage: 3 to 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as directed by your health professional.


SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA 3X Difficult and scanty urination

BAPTISIA TINCTORIA 4X Soreness of Abdomen

BERBERIS VULGARIS 4X Bladder Pain, frequent Urination, Pain In thighs while urinating

EQUISETUM HYEMALE 4X Enuresis, burning pain in urethra

ARGENTUM NITRICUM 6X Dark urine, sugar craving

CANTHARIS 6X Homeopathic Spanish fly, constant desire to urinate, tenesmus

CAPSICUM ANNUUM 6X Strangury, urethritis

CUPRUM SULPHURICUM 6X Uremia, Cramp of smooth and skeletal muscles

ORTHOSIPHON STAMINEUS 6X Vesical and renal calculi

PAREIRA BRAVA 6X Constant urging, great straining

SARSAPARILLA 6X Severe pain at conclusion of urination

TEREBINTHINA 6X Inflamed kidneys

APIS VENENUM PURUM 8X Vesical tenesmus, honeybees extract

BAROSMA 8X Irritable bladder, gravel


PYELON SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Internal Kidney

URETER SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Ureter

URETHRA SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Urethra

URINARY BLADDER SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Urinary Bladder

GLYOXAL DIHYDRATE 10X Phases of degeneration, powerful anti-oxidant

HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM 10X Bladder weakness, tendency to suppuration

NATRUM PYRUVICUM 10X Factor of citric Acid Cycle

QUERCETIN 10X, 30X, 200X Antioxidant Phenolic with anti-histamine effects. Reduces capillary permeability caused by histamine and serotonin. Increases the Intensity and prolongs the duration of the adrenalin effects as well as inhibits the auto-oxidation of adrenalin

COLIBACILLINUM 13X Urinary tract Flora

Bach Patterson bowel nosode to support Argentum Nitricum DYSENTERY CO 30C

Price: $22.00

DETOX III increases the functions of the Pituitary / Adreno axis as it relates to the immune and lymphatic systems promoting increased benefit to the immune and endocrine systems.

Indications: Temporary relief of symptoms related to a weakened immune system including frequent and recurrent infections, fatigue, swelling, mental sluggishness and symptoms related to chemical exposure.

Dosage: 3 to 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as directed by your health professional.


CONIUM MACULATUM 4X Hot flashes, dizziness, craving for salt, coffee and sour things

DULCAMARA 4X Worse in cold wet weather, glands swollen and indurated

ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 4X Blood poisonings, chilliness and nausea, fevers

AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM 6X Glandular swellings, hemorrhoids, mucous membranes dry and raw

ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM 6X Rattling of mucous with little expectoration, weakness, pustular eruptions

ASCORBICUM ACIDUM 6X Cofactor for enzymatic function

COCCUS CACTI 6X Accumulation of thick viscid mucus

GALIUM APARINE 6X Edema, precancerous states, post viral states

GENTIANA LUTEA 6X Thick saliva, ravenous hunger, diminished appetite

GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM 6X Hemorrhages, ulceration of stomach

PULSATILLA 6X Thirst less, profuse discharges, weeping

SARCOLACTICUM ACIDUM 6X Acid-base regulation

GLANDULA SUPRARENALIS SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X Suis based sarcode of the Adrenal Gland

LYMPH GLAND SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Lymph Gland

SULPHUR 8X Much rattling of mucous, heat in body in bed, support of methylation pathway

CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 10X Hoarseness, adenoid growth, nutrition of bones

FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM 10X Hemorrhages, Increases hemoglobin, fevers of unknown origin

HEPAR SUIS 10X Suis based sarcode of Liver

HYPOTHALAMUS SUIS 10X Suis based sarcode of Hypothalamus

SPLEEN SUIS 10X Suis based sarcode of Sspleen

CORTISONE ACETICUM 13X Supports the adrenal, pituitary glands and connective tissue, stress

MERCURIOUS SOLUBILIS 13X Abscesses, Glands swollen

BARYTA CARBONICA 28X Takes cold easily, swollen tonsil, lipomas

UMBILICAL CORD SUIS 6C, 30C Suis based sarcode of Umbilical Cord

TONSIL SUIS 6C, 30C Suis based sarcode of the Tonsil

PHENYLALANINE 8X, 30X, 200X Essential Amino acid, Mood Disorders, aspartame sensitivity, mental sluggishness

GAERTNER BACH 9C Bach-Patterson Bowel Nosode to support Calcarea phosphorica

TRIIODOTHYRONINE 10C Also known as T3, is a thyroid hormone

MEDULLA OSSIS SUIS 12C Also known as T3, is a thyroid hormone essential for maintaining harmony of various body functions

MUTABILE BACH 30C Bach-Patterson Bowel nosode to support Pulsatilla

Price: $22.00

ENERGY CATALYST is important in promoting the proper utilization of minerals in maintaining proper energy utilization and flow. Indications: Temporary relief of symptoms related to Adrenal Fatigue related to mineral excesses and/or deficiencies, chronic infections, fatigue, hormone deficiencies and circulatory imbalances.

Dosage: 3 to 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as directed by your health professional.


VISCUM ALBUM 3X, 30X, 200X Blood pressure and pulse regulation

COBALTUM GLUCONICUM 6X Anti-anemic action, Period 4, Group 9

CUPRUM SULPHURICUM 6X Spasm of smooth and skeletal muscle, period 4, group 11

FERRUM FUMARICUM 6X Part of citric acid cycle, period 4, group 8

KALI ASPARAGINICUM 6X Balances Intra and Extra cellular electrolytes, period 4, group 1

MAGNESIA ASPARAGINICUM 6X Influences muscular metabolism. Period 3, group 2

MANGANUM GLUCONICUM 6X Defends against Infections, period 4, group 7

NATRUM MOLYBDANICUM 6X Important trace element, Period 5, group 6

PHOSPHORUS 6X Hepatic and blood support, period 3, group 15


CERIUM OXALICUM 8X Sedative action in gastric catarrh, Period 6, Group 0


VITAMIN D3 8X, 30X, 200X Helps maintain healthy bone density


ALUMINA 30X, 200X Kidney pain with mental confusion, period 3, group 13 „] MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS 30X, 200X Furuncles, carbuncles, period 6, group 12

PLUMBUM METALLICUM 200X Blood vessel damage, period 6, group 14

Bach-Patterson Bowel Nosode to support Alumina MORGAN PURE BOWEL NOSODE 30C, 200C

Price: $22.00

MATRIX SUPPORT helps with symptoms related to congestion of the interstitial matrix, enabling the proper absorption of key minerals needed for hormone production and the passage of key nutrients and byproducts across the matrix into and out of cell membranes. Indications: Temporary relief of symptoms related to congested metabolic pathways including diarrhea, constipation, headaches, flatus, depression, lung congestion, irritated eyes, allergies, chronic inflammations and indigestion.

Dosage: 3 to 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as directed by your health professional.

CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS 4X Diabetes, splenic disorders

HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 4X Thick, viscid mucosal secretions

VERATRUM ALBUM 4X Feverish conditions, collapse with extreme coldness

ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE 6X Hunger pains, duodentis, abuse Issues

ARGENTUM NITRICUM 6X Sugar cravings, fear of bridges, Inflamed and ulcerated mucosa

CONDURANGO 6X Chronic gastritis, esophageal stricture

MOMORDICA BALSAMINA 6X Gastro cardiac syndrome, pancreopathy

OXALIS ACETOSELLA 6X Gastritis, dyspepsia, diarrhea

PULSATILLA 6X Mucosal conditions, gastro-Iliac colic, heartburn, conjunctivitis

MANNAN 8X, 30X, 200X Metabolic Phenolic product of Candida Albicans, to lower Immune response to yeast sensitized Individuals, t-Lymphocyte production suppressed, lowers postprandial glucose response

BILE DUCT SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Bile Duct

COLON SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Colon

DUODENUM SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Duodenum

ESOPHAGUS SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Esophagus

EYE MUCOSA SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Eye Mucosa

GALLBLADDER SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Gall Bladder Mucosa

ILEUM SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Ileum

INTESTINE SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Intestine

IPECACUANHA 8X Cough with nausea, nausea not better by vomiting, and bright red hemorrhage with nausea

JEJUNUM SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Jejunum

KALI BICHROMICUM 8X Viscid, ropy secretions from all mucous membranes

LUNG MUCOSA SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Lung Mucosa

NASAL MUCOSA SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Nasal Mucosa

NATRUM OXALACETICUM 8X Factor of citric Acid Cycle

ORAL MUCOSA SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Oral Mucosa

PANCREAS SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Pancreas

PHOSPHORUS 8X Tendency toward mucosal hemorrhage

RECTUM SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Rectal Tissue

STOMACH MUCOSA SUIS 8X Suis based sarcode of Lung Mucosa

SULPHUR 8X Catarrh of upper respiratory tract, great Stomach Acidity

BELLADONNA 10X Mucosal Dryness, Hot and Red conditions, biliary colic

KREOSOTUM 10X Bronchitis, leucorrhea, difficult hearing

LACHESIS MUTUS 10X Bushmaster snake venom, Loquacity, duodenal ulcers

MANDRAGORA OFFICINALIS 10X Duodenal Ulcers, Arterial hypertension, White hard stool

URINARY BLADDER SUIS 6C Suis based sarcode of Urinary Bladder mucosa

DYSENTERY CO 30C, 200C Bach Patterson bowel nosode to support Anacardium and Argentum Nitricum

Price: $22.00

is designed to focus on all functions and physiology that is the responsibility of the spine to perform, especially the movement and flow of information. Every patient under chiropractic care should utilize this formula in order to achieve the maximum benefit and longevity of their chiropractic adjustment, traction, laser therapy or massage. Indications: Temporary treatment of allergy related symptoms related to a blocked spine including spasm, pain, anxiety, nervousness and the inability to hold chiropractic adjustments.

Dosage: 3 to 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as directed by your health professional.


BERBERIS VULGARIS 4X Lumbago, numbness

CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA 4X Stiffness and contraction in neck and back

CINCHONA OFFICINALIS 4X Sharp pain across kidneys

COLOCYNTHIS 4X Cramp like hip pain

LEDUM PALUSTRE 4X Ascending rheumatism in lower legs

RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS 4X Intercostal rheumatism

AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM 6X Backache affecting sacrum and hips

CUPRUM ACETICUM 6X Spasmodic constriction of chest

NADIDUM 6X Stimulation of joint metabolism

NATRUM OXALACETICUM 6X Factor of Citric Acid Cycle

NICOTINAMIDUM 6X Cofactor for enzymatic function

PICRICUM ACIDUM 6X Pain In back muscles and joints

PYRIDOXINUM HYDROCHLORICUM 6X Cofactor for enzymatic function

RIBOFLAVIN 6X Cofactor for enzymatic function

SILICEA 6X Pain in coccyx


AMMONIUM MURIATICUM 8X Sciatica, pain worse when seated

CARTILAGO SUIS 8X Cartilage sarcode to direct a balanced spine

DISCUS INTERVERTEBRALIS SUIS 8X Vertebral discs to direct a balanced spine

A-LIPOIC ACID 8X Coenzyme in degradation of pyruvic acid

ARGENTUM METALLICUM 10X Dark urine, sugar craving


CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 10X Debility, rheumatic pain from draught of air

COENZYME A 10X Coenzyme for trans acetylation

FUNICULUS UMBILICUS SUIS 10X To stimulate stem cells

GLANDULA SUPRARENALIS SUIS 10X Sarcode to direct balancing of the Adrenals.

BONE MARROW SUIS 10X Sarcode to direct balancing of the of Bone Marrow.

GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM 10X Intense pain along sciatic nerve

SULPHUR 28X Burning in soles of feet

BACILLUS 7 30C Bach-Patterson Bowel Nosode to support Mercurious Praecipitatus ruber

GAERTNER BACH 30C Bach-Patterson Bowel Nosode to support calcarea

MORGAN PURE 30C Bach-Patterson Bowel Nosode to support Sulphur

PROTEUS 30C Bach-Patterson bowel Nosode to support Ammonium Muriaticum

Price: $22.00