INDICATIONS: For temporary relief of symptoms related to Free Radical Toxicity including tingling in hands and feet, mood changes, frequent colds, poor digestion, poor blood sugar regulation, weight gain, fatigue, and constipation.
DOSAGE: 1-10 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day or as directed by your health professional.
INGREDIENTS: Mangnesia Flouride (12X), Selenium Metallicum (12X), Cobaltum Metallicum (12X), Ferrum Metallicum (12X), Alfalfa (6X), Hordeum Vulgare (6X), Laminaria Digitata (6X), Nasturtium Aquaticum (6X), Raphanus Sativus (6X), Triticum Aestivum (6X), Zincum Metallicum (12X), Manganum Gluconate (6X), Radish, Brown Rice, Comfrey, Kelp, Watercress (3X), Zinc Picolinate, Methionine, Lipoic Acid, NN Dimethylglycine, L Cysteine, Ascorgyl Palmitate, DL Tocopherol (6X), Super Oxide Dimutase, Co Q10, Quercetin, Sodium Selenite (6X), Ubiquinone, Glutathione (12X), Glyoxol, Aka (30X)